Cambridge Men's Group

The Cambridge Men's Group


Who We Are

The Cambridge Men's Group is a social group for gay and bi men in the Cambridge, Mass. area – and their friends. Founded in 2007, we meet regularly for social & other events, either at member's homes, local restaurants, theater or movie excursions, day trips, etc. Where we go with this is as much up to you as it is to anyone else.

Although based in Cambridge, we have members who live or work in Somerville, Arlington, Medford, Boston & beyond. Come join us!

For the first seven years (2007-2013), we used this website for our events, but now we use Meetup. A good way to get a sense of who we are is to look at our Past Events (through 2013) pages. For more information, email, or join our Meetup Group.

Sign up to stay informed -- We're looking forward to meeting you at one of our events!

Cambridge Men's Group Apparel

Baseball CapBaseball Jersey

Click on images to order.

Join Us!

We use for our email list. Join us there:
Meetup Group

Cambridge was established
(as "Newetowne") in 1630, and
renamed to "Cambridge" in 1638.

Cambridge 1630-1930 Sign

The Cambridge Men's Group
was founded in 2007.

We're planning a big celebration
in the year 2384, when we will be
half as old as the city!

Here's how long Cambridge has been
Cambridge & Newton has been Newton:

Year Cambridge Newton
1630 Newe Towne
1638 Newtowne
1638 Cambridge
1688 Cambridge Cambridge Village
1691 Newtown
1766 Newton

Who's in Charge Here?
We have a very loose organization. Anyone in the group can propose & host an event. But there are a few of us who do a little more to keep the organization alive & healthy. They are:
Bill Barnert - Co-Founder, Webmaster, Organizer
Jody Renouf & Mark Rosenstein - Co-founders, web hosting, Organizers
Greg Sakal - Treasurer
Brian Bauer - Movie Night Maven
Chris Coleman, Mike Shaps, Steve Kluger - Organizers
& a bunch more here.

Have an idea for an event you'd like us to do?
Share it with us at!
The Cambridge Men's Group would like to thank

Active Windows Productions, Inc.

for hosting our web site.